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About me and why I started Picks4Guys (P4G)?

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Who the heck are you? I am a 37 year old father and husband that lives on the northside of Chicago. I love spending time with family/friends and enjoy living an active lifestyle. As a young(ish) professional, that was often working from home pre-pandemic, I typically look for clothing/gear that can easily transition from work to chill to play. And I'll admit it, I have always liked nice things. Why was that hard to admit? I believe in the look good - feel good concept, but I am also on a family budget. If I am going to spend money, I want it to be the best item at the right price.

So, you decided to start a blog? I sure did. As someone who has never enjoyed spending time shopping, I have absolutely loved the transition to online retail. However, the online men's retail space has absolutely blown up over the last 5 - 7 years. Now, on a daily basis I am bombarded with clothing brands that all claim to be the best. Obviously that can't be true. I plan to use this blog to compare/review products from a host of men's brands.

How will it work? Each week I will post a new blog comparing four brands that make a "men's staple" item (for example, a versatile button down or everyday t-shirts). I will pick two well known brands, one discount brand, and one new kid. I will compare them on price, materials, fit, and x-factors. X-factors can be anything from sustainability to loyalty programs. I will then score the products and pick a winner.

I want to hear from you. Do you disagree with my ratings? Did I totally miss the best brands in a category? Email me at and let me know.

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